US Canada – The West

Our tour US Canada – The West took us from Frankfurt to Seattle from May 14th to June 6th 2017 and continued with the Amtrak to Vancouver, Tofino, Whistler, Clearwater, Jasper, Banff to Calgary and back to Frankfurt.
The countdown is running …
… 147 days left! – December 30, 2016
NSeoul Tower – Preparations are in full swing!
Links to the stops of our US Canada the West Tour 2017:
Seattle – Seattle and surroundings, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier, Olympic NP
Canada – Vancouver, Vancouver island, Tofino, Whistler, Clearwater, Jasper, Banff, Calgary
US Canada – The West – Click here for our blog on the Google platform
USA Canada – Panoramas – Panoramas of USA Canada
Travel booking
We would like to thank the travel agency Discovery in Tamm for the great recommendations of the route, locations and bookings – flights with LH and Canadian Airlines as well as accommodation in hotels of various chains.
Everything worked out perfectly.
As always!
It was a beautiful and eventful holiday.
We learned to appreciate the hospitality of the Americans and Canadians once again.
After more than 15700 kilometers of flight, about 700 railroad kilometers, after 1100 miles (1760km) of driving on the free/highways of the USA with 3 times refueling – How was it still with the calculation how many liters our Toyota needed in the USA on 100km (31 gallons / 1100 miles)? – and 2590km on the highways in Canada with 4 times refueling (180l) we arrived back home!
We will come back with pleasure!
Wow! Welch ein Globetrotter doch in unserer AH steckt! Welche eigenen Erinnerungen an British Columbia. Riesen-Kompliment! Welche Peinlichkeit, dass ich Bilder, die sicher viele vorhanden sind, nicht entdecken kann. Bin ich mal wieder zu doof?